For For almost five months now, I've made one poster a week. I've found that during the process of working on long projects (Like the design of this website) the work can start becoming a bit repetitive, so it is always really nice to have one day when I can just let my creativity take over.
Torrent Poster
In this poster I used my previous project Torrent and made something clean poster with it, I used Indesign for this project
Air Forces
I've been a big fan of Air force after buying one and I decided to make something cool and aesthetic nice to the eyes with neew design style.
Kalekar Studio
I decided to try to make a poster without using any Images while keeping a clean look on it
BrainWash Poster
In this poster, I explored the concept of brainwashing found
On the book I read on my English Class "Brave New World"
which I found really eye opening, because on the book they
talked about how the big people control the people below Them
and how they were brainwashed to
Pele Poster
I have always been a fan of soccer ever since I've seen
big players like Messi, MBappe, and Ronaldo. I took a toll
on liking it myself, my close friend slowly taught me how to play
soccer and Im alright(maybe) and he told me about this one
soccer legend Pele and I did my research on him and he is
a legend so that inspired me to make a poster him with his
famous quote
I made this poster about one of my favourite car
with the japanese word "Kaizen" meaning finding joy
on every thing you do In my case designing something
simple and modern Is my way to find joy on my works.
Lebron Poster
Today I watched Lebronbroke the all-time NBA record for the most career points scored by a forward on March 7th, 2021. Lebron surpassed the previous record holder which is CRAZY, Karl Malone, with a total of 36,997 points. This achievement solidified LeBron's status as one of the greatest basketball players of all time.